
A physician story of addiction and recovery

by an anonymous physician

I am a physician now in recovery.

I don’t like that term. The correct thing to say is, I am sober.  I am going on a year sober without any problems. Recovery suggests some disease state and I don’t think it is that simple.  It also suggests an ongoing daily struggle or effort to remain sober, and I don’t find that the case, either.  I know this …

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Medical errors that involve handwritten prescriptions

by Daphne Swancutt

Two people in the United States just died in the last hour. Seventeen more will die in the next 7 to 8 hours. Over a year, that number will accumulate to about 7,000.

The reason? Medical errors that include misread or otherwise misinterpreted handwritten prescriptions. Believe it. This means that doctors are being sloppy, pharmacies are making mistakes and people are getting dead.

Even more …

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When does the duty to provide emergency medical care end?

by Lyle Denniston

Hospitals know that medical care decisions often have legal consequences, which makes it all the more important to know what the law requires. But when judges can’t agree, and there also is some ambiguity in the way government officials see a legal issue affecting care decisions, hospitals may need to go to the ultimate authority – the U.S. Supreme Court – for an …

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10 things you need to know before surgery and during the hospital stay

by Winston F. Mitchell

I’m a 53 year-old male with no history of hypertension, no cholesterol problems and glucose count normal.

I was overweight but still in great physical shape. But over a period of weeks, walking to work, I started experiencing a shortness of breath.  Finally I went to my doctor, he informed me he was going to admit me to the hospital immediately because a …

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A physician seeing the husband and wife together

As a medical provider, while seeing a husband and wife, or a couple, regardless of gender, one comes across several situations that  may be considered difficult to handle and that require a good deal of tact and confidentiality.

This is the case with seeing a husband and wife or (couple), together, for an examination. Ultimately, it depends on the rapport that the couple shares. If they …

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