I’d like to thank various media outlets for recently citing KevinMD.com.
USA Today: Some doctors join Facebook, Twitter; others wary
As Nashua, N.H., internist Kevin Pho wrote in a USA TODAY op-ed piece in January, “there is little guidance on how physicians can incorporate (social media) into their medical practice.” …
… Another roadblock, Pho said, is that doctors usually get paid only for talking to patients in the examining room, giving physicians little financial incentive to reach out to them over the Web.
Orlando Medical News: Healthcare reform boosts primary care
Kevin Pho, MD, a Nashua, N.H., primary-care physician and a popular Internet blogger on healthcare issues at KevinMD.com, said in an interview, “I believe that the status quo wasn’t sustainable, and I think that healthcare reform, although it’s imperfect, does give us a few steps forward to expand coverage to an additional 32 million Americans and also make some attempts at controlling costs.”
Pho said physicians’ reactions to reform are all over the board, depending on their specialty and their political persuasion. “Physicians, as you know, are also divided into political camps. So, if you have certain partisan views, you’re going to view healthcare reform in a certain way, no matter what the other side says,” he said.
From Pho’s primary-care perspective, he said the legislation does include a reimbursement boost for primary-care doctors, who traditionally make less – and sometimes much less – than specialists.