KevinMD posts of the week, ending January 16, 2011

Here are the top posts from this past week, based on the number of times they were viewed.

1. A cartoon guide to learning in medical school, residency and fellowship.

2. Can a doctor dodging a question help the patient? Sometimes patients don’t need factual answers. Doctor D had hundreds of questions tumbling around in his over-educated head.

3. How much we should try to help patients who do not want our help? I spent the better part of half an hour convincing this woman to take her medication, and I spent the better part of another half hour trying to calm down the gentleman whose face I was suturing. Will they benefit? Possibly.

4. How surgery is a team sport, and in awe of neurosurgery. Surgery is a team sport. A patient’s life and well-being hangs in the balance, and you better not screw it up.

5. A culture of fear worsens the nursing shortage and medical errors. Despite identifying work place conflict as the root cause, the number of medical errors and shortages of nurses has continued to rise over the past decade.
