KevinMD posts of the week, ending May 8, 2011

Here are the top posts from this past week, based on the number of times they were viewed.

1. Why do people decide to become doctors anyway? So basically, from the moment you start into medical school to the moment you finish your training, you’re looking at a minimum of seven years—for most people it’s closer to ten—before you’re even close to being considered a “real” doctor.

2. Should nurses be fired for fatal medication errors? Kimberly Hiatt was a pediatric critical care nurse who accidentally gave an infant a fatal overdose of calcium chloride last year.

3. How skipping medical school lecture is preparing doctors for the future. Recently in lecture, our professor wryly mentioned that in his many years of teaching, he had never seen so many laptops out as well as so many people taking advantage of the option to watch videos instead of attending class.

4. Dealing with a negative online review on a physician rating site. Whenever I speak about social media to doctors across the country, I often get asked, “How do I deal with a negative online review?”

5. Patient satisfaction should not influence how doctors are paid. Medicare is thinking of using patient satisfaction scores in part to determine bonuses to hospitals.
