Dr. Lynette Charity is a practicing anesthesiologist and accomplished humorist and public speaker, having made it to the semifinals of the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking in 2014. She’s also one of my coaching clients, and I am so proud to announce that she will keynote three conferences this Fall.
On Saturday, September 8, she will keynote the Ohio Dermatological Association Annual Meeting, giving her prescription to success in your medical career.
She will follow that by keynoting the annual meeting of the Richmond Academy of Medicine on Tuesday, September 11, where she will share her story of surviving and thriving after a medical malpractice lawsuit.
And finally, she will conclude her Fall tour by keynoting the annual meeting of the Maricopa County Medical Society on Saturday, October 6.
I invite you to watch her speaking video above.
Lynette is a member of my boutique speakers bureau, Physician Speaking by KevinMD, and she is currently booking for 2019.