I’m honored to be invited back to BlogWorld Expo’s Social Health track on Thursday, October 14, 2010.
I’ll be joined on a panel with my esteemed blogging colleagues, Kim McAllister of Emergiblog, Bryan Vartabedian of 33 Charts, and Kerri Morrone Sparling of six until me.
We will discuss whether social networks are compatible or competitive with the medical blogosphere.
Dave deBronkart, otherwise known as e-Patient Dave and regular contributor to KevinMD.com, will give the opening keynote.
I want to thank our sponsors, Johnson & Johnson (presenting sponsor), MedPage Today and Campaign for Nursing (supporting sponsors), and WEGO Health (associate sponsor).
There’s plenty more, including breakout sessions discussing patient blogging and disease awareness, industry issues and how people are using social media to improve their health.
I invite you to visit the Social Health track’s site, and hope to see everyone in Las Vegas in October.