I want to thank you all for reading KevinMD.com. The conversation sparked by the posts has been sometimes controversial, but always insightful.
A special thanks to the regular contributors, now numbering over 125 health care professionals and patients who add their own distinct voice to the health care discussion.
Here’s what’s new on the site.
1. KevinMD.com on LinkedIn. In addition to the 23,000 who follow on Twitter, and 3,800 Facebook fans, you can now continue the health conversation on LinkedIn. In addition to my topics, you can follow a few other, hand-picked blog feeds and ensuing discussion on my LinkedIn group.
2. Social media button. Click the Connect button in the lower left corner, and sign in with Twitter or Facebook. This enables easy sharing of KevinMD.com content on your social network.
3. Speaking. I am available for a limited number of speaking engagements each year, discussing the health care intersection with social media. I am currently booking dates into 2011.
4. Guest posts. I continue to welcome guest columnists who want to be heard on social media’s leading physician voice. Find out how.
5. Speed and stability. For technical aficionados, Javascript and CSS were minified, database caching was optimized and KevinMD.com is now served from a content distribution network. Page load times have improved by 30% or more over the past month, with measurable gains in both traffic and site stability.
Once again, I sincerely appreciate your readership and support. Thank you for making KevinMD.com the web’s leading source for influential health care commentary.