It is truly unfortunate that Daniel Neides used his platform, and the reputation of a world-renowned institution like the Cleveland Clinic, to propagate fake health news. In this case, he fails to dispel the false connection between vaccines and autism: “Make 2017 the year to avoid toxins (good luck) and master your domain: Words on Wellness.”
As director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, Dr. Neides does a tremendous disservice to the Cleveland Clinic’s reputation. The vocal, anti-vaccine minority will surely use his statements to support their views. In a world where health professionals are fighting an increasingly uphill battle to properly vaccinate children, having a Cleveland Clinic-affiliated physician promote an ambivalent vaccine stance makes our work that much more difficult.
The Cleveland Clinic must specifically disavow Dr. Neides’ claims in a public, high-profile manner. And even then, the damage has already been done.
ZDoggMD’s Facebook Live take is in the video above.
STAT: Doctor’s anti-vaccine claims ignite PR firestorm for Cleveland Clinic
Forbes: Cleveland Clinic Doctor Goes Full Anti-Vaccine
Update 1/8/17: Cleveland Clinic doc apologizes for anti-vax column, hospital promises discipline
STAT: Cleveland Clinic to censure doctor who promoted anti-vaccine claims
Kevin Pho is an internal medicine physician and founder and editor,
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