I am a 38-year-old board-certified OB/GYN. I have been married to my husband for 12 years. I am the mom of two young boys. I drive a Subaru.
In short, I am the complete opposite of the demographic that rules TikTok.
Never heard of TikTok? It’s OK – until recently, neither had I.
TikTok is the fastest growing social media platform that seems to have exploded overnight. The app, which is famous for …
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In the spirit of World Breastfeeding Week, I want to highlight all we can about breastfeeding; why it’s great for you and your baby, some ways to make it easier, and how to manage common challenges.
But one challenge that often gets ignored in the offices of doctors and lactation consultants is the issue revolving around the ethics of breastfeeding. That is, addressing uncomfortable questions like these:
In the last presidential debate, the conversation quickly turned to a subject that is divisive and controversial for many Americans: abortion. More specifically, the topic of late-term abortions. Considering both candidates got the facts on this very sensitive topic wrong, I thought clarifying a few key points might be helpful.
When discussing this topic, Donald Trump said the following: “In the ninth month you can take the baby and rip the …
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“One can dream.”
That’s often a quote we hear when we talk about winning the lottery or landing a job that lets us do something great like being a taster of new ice cream flavors for a living (I wish).
However, what’s sad is that many American moms utter those same words when they think about life after baby. A year of paid maternity leave. Access to a good lactation consultant. Family members who …
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Yet again, the topic of breastfeeding has been discussed in the mainstream media and — not surprisingly — was depicted in a less-than-factual way. It seems every few weeks these stories surface, and usually it’s a mom who’s been shamed for nursing in public. It happens so often I have almost stopped paying attention because they are so equally infuriating and repetitive.
This time, however, it was the …
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