Post Author: Kimberly Jackson-Bekemeier, DO

Kimberly Jackson-Bekemeier is a board-certified family physician and founder, Coaching Chronic Disease, LLC. She can be reached on Facebook and Instagram.
Dr. Jackson-Bekemeier is co-owner of a multi-physician private practice spanning seven clinic locations. She was chief health officer and director of quality improvement, starting one of the only ADA-accredited diabetes education programs in her area. Dr. Jackson-Bekemeier also is founder, Coaching Chronic Disease LLC, where she is a certified life coach. She helps women with Type 1 diabetes manage their overall health and obtain more complete wellness. She is a KevinMD author and has been featured in podcasts detailing her journey with Type 1 as a physician and the power of mindset in chronic medical conditions.

Kimberly Jackson-Bekemeier is a board-certified family physician and founder, Coaching Chronic Disease, LLC. She can be reached on Facebook and Instagram.
Dr. Jackson-Bekemeier is co-owner of a multi-physician private practice spanning seven clinic locations. She was chief health officer and director of quality improvement, starting one of the only ADA-accredited diabetes education programs in her area. Dr. Jackson-Bekemeier also is founder, Coaching Chronic Disease LLC, where she is a certified life coach. She helps women with Type 1 diabetes manage their overall health and obtain more complete wellness. She is a KevinMD author and has been featured in podcasts detailing her journey with Type 1 as a physician and the power of mindset in chronic medical conditions.
On January 2020, I got the dreaded call: You have Type 1 diabetes. The rest is a blur. I went into a global pandemic, one of the highest risk categories, a red lab value that stared at me “HgbA1c > 15.”
As a family physician, I was supposed to manage patients and ease their fears. I was supposed to know all about the disease management of a “bread and butter condition” …
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