March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Share these gems with your family, friends, and patients. Take the time to reflect on your personal history and encourage yourself and others to get screened when appropriate.
1. The large intestine or the large bowel consists of the colon, rectum, and anus. The colon and rectum have a cumulative length of 150 cm or 4.9 feet.
2. Gastrointestinal contents are received from the small bowel …
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Below are moments from my intern year of general surgery residency. They represent moments that occurred over three years ago, which I took home to my journal to process and work through. Back then, the moments left me speechless. And today, re-visiting them, the moments clearly demonstrate the fragility of the human spirit.
A silently sobbing 7-year-old the day after surgical repair of his broken femur. His face contorted. His pain …
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It had been a long day. Our progress notes were done. The last scheduled case in the operating room was done, and it was time to wrap up loose ends and sign out my patients to the night team.
But that’s when Room 4 died.
I walked onto the Burn Unit. The nurses were frantic. Can you page the Intensive Care Resident? He’s bradying down. The patient’s heart rate was steadily declining …
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I couldn’t wait to get into college. Next, I couldn’t wait to start medical school. But, last year, when I found myself eagerly counting down the months to graduation, I was disgusted with myself.
Why was I always waiting to arrive at a destination? Had I unknowingly signed up for a never-ending, achievement journey? Upon reflecting, I realized that by inaction, I had accepted this lifestyle. I had become content in …
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