There’s much to be said about women’s intuition. The instinct a woman has can be so intense that nothing anyone says or does will change her beliefs or feelings. For some women, maybe over time, the intuition has been acquired, but for others, it’s been a gift she naturally has had her entire life. Because of this, we not only know better when something is off or doesn’t seem right, …
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One thing is for sure: in today’s modern world, and as we recover from the impact of a pandemic, we are busier than ever. Another certainty is just how many of us are constantly on the move, with over 900 million people traveling internationally every year. Whether you’re traveling for pleasure or business, many do so without ever considering the health risks and security concerns to which we are exposed. …
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When we think of symptoms or ailments, they are often a signal to us that there’s something off with our health. Yet, many of us, as well as doctors, often don’t think so much outside the traditional box when it comes to what may be influencing or causing these health issues. I have even experienced this personally in my life.
Some people may even experience ongoing frustrations with concerns failing to …
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Chances are, you or someone you know has fallen victim to medical gaslighting at some point, especially as we see an increase in this unfortunate practice in today’s modern health care system. Maybe you have experienced medical gaslighting without even realizing it. What exactly is medical gaslighting? It’s a term given to a practice stemming from our medical community where doctors and specialists alike make patients feel a multitude of …
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I never envisioned a business trip could result in a diagnosis of a rare, under-practiced, poorly understood, and emerging chronic inflammatory breast disease affecting 2.4 women per 100,000 and growing. Two months after my return from that business trip, I started experiencing a multitude of symptoms, including breast pain. During a self-breast exam, I discovered a lump. Wasting no time, I called my primary care physician, who ordered both a …
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