Since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, Africans have been told to stay put and “prepare for the worst.” Even though Africa is at a less advanced stage, WHO director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus indicates Africa, in particular, may suffer direct effects of the disease itself and indirect effects on the economy.
Considering the fragile health care system in Africa, options to tackle the pandemic are not the same …
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I am a young physician practicing medicine in the “motherland” of God-gifted Ethiopia, which is located in eastern Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. I want to share my personal story, as well as to expose some of the serious problems facing physicians and patients in my country.
I started medical school, which requires the highest academic performance of any career path when I was 18 after completing secondary school. Despite …
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Tests and exams are the most challenging part of campus life, especially when it is in medical school where students will frequently encounter different types of examinations. One of the things which makes it special is that in medical school, exams are not only given as a written examination but also as oral and practical examinations in which students must face their instructors. Most of the time these are external …
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