Are you looking for a doctor to be your primary care physician (PCP) in Nashua, NH?
My name is Kevin Pho and I practice at St. Joseph Hospital Primary & Specialty Care Services – South Nashua. It is conveniently located in south Nashua, New Hampshire, just over the Massachusetts border, off exit 2 of the Everett Turnpike.
I am a board-certified doctor in internal medicine, and provide comprehensive primary care for adults.
I was also named to New Hampshire Magazine’s list of Top Doctors.
I recognize that your time is extremely valuable, and under routine circumstances, you will be seen on time.
State-of-the-art electronic medical records are utilized, and most major insurance plans, including Medicare, are accepted.
For your convenience, we offer lab, radiology, and orthopedic services on-site.
My practice is affiliated with St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH, where you can access a wide variety of surgical and medical specialists, along with the latest in diagnostic imaging and tests.
I went to medical school and completed my primary care internal medicine residency at Boston University Medical Center, and was named to the 2010 class of New Hampshire’s 40 Under Forty, recognizing the state’s emerging leaders.
I am one of the nation’s leading authorities who explores the intersection between medicine, health care, and social media, and frequently give keynote speeches across the country as a social media physician speaker. You can also read my book, Establishing, Managing, and Protecting Your Online Reputation: A Social Media Guide for Physicians and Medical Practices. I also host the only daily medical podcast, The Podcast by KevinMD.
I have been interviewed on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, and my physician commentary regularly appears in USA Today, where I am a member of their editorial Board of Contributors, as well as and the New York Times.
Please call (603) 891-4500 to schedule an appointment, or visit St. Joseph Hospital Primary & Specialty Care Services – South Nashua.
Kevin Pho, MD was named a top doctor in internal medicine, New Hampshire Magazine, 2017 through 2021.
I look forward to meeting you.
Kevin Pho, MD
Nashua, New Hampshire