Kevin is a member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors, and his opinion pieces have appeared in both national and local publications, including USA Today,, the New York Times, Medical Economics,, Medscape, AOL News, the New Hampshire Union Leader, and the Nashua Telegraph.
USA Today:
February 2008, Shortage of primary care threatens health care system
April 2008, Wasted medical dollars
August 2008, Doctors’ pay cuts save little in health costs
October 2008, Why doctors still balk at electronic medical records
December 2008, Ease ER overload
January 2009, Medicare’s mistake
February 2009, Pads, pens, prescriptions
March 2009, Unbiased research for doctors is good medicine
April 2009, Not all screening tests lead to early, better treatment
July 2009, Wikipedia isn’t really the patient’s friend
October 2009, Any malpractice reforms should put patients first
January 2010, Doctors ignore Internet at their own peril
March 2010, Patient-satisfaction surveys have drawbacks
June 2010, Shorter doctor-trainee hours alone not solution
July 2010, Burnout hurts doctors as well as their patients
October 2010, Online doctor ratings aren’t very helpful
February 2011, Violence is symptom of health care dysfunction
April 2011, End of life care is being influenced by politics
June 2011, As health reform unfolds, involve the patients
September 2011, Pain management: Education is key
January 2012, How doctors can reduce medical errors, lawsuits
March 2012, Complex health choices require shared decisions
April 2012, What’s right for Buffett not right for every man
June 2012, Medical robots can’t improve health care, yet
August 2012, Lab test access carries unintended consequences
October 2012, Discount prescription drug coupons no bargain
January 2013, The doctor will see you now — on the Internet
February 2013, Treat energy drinks like drugs
April 2013, ER key to curb painkiller abuse
July 2013, Retail clinics carry benefits, drawbacks
September 2013, Do corporate wellness programs work?
November 2013, Avoid herbal supplements
January 2014, Electronic medical records no cure-all yet
April 2014, Health app users beware
July 2014, Doctors are not overpaid
September 2014, Beware of doctor-rating sites
August 2009, Why the doctor won’t see you now
December 2009, Family doctor is key to reform
March 2010, Health bill a milestone — or a mistake?
June 2010, Will the doctor answer your e-mail?
March 2012, Despite flaws, health care law is needed
April 2012, Doctors and patients should talk more, test less
January 2013, In the future, get vaccinated earlier
The New York Times’ Room for Debate:
February 2009, More coverage requires more doctors
June 2009, Doctors are forced into running a business
October 2009, Infections from doctors and nurses
February 2010, Listen to the doctors
June 2010, Should people be paid to stay healthy?
June 2011, Limit prostate cancer screening
June 2012, Rejection would hurt uninsured and elderly
March 2013, Downsides for doctors and patients
January 2014, Who should be invited to the State of the Union? A primary care physician
March 2014, A risk for patients, if profit is paramount
Medical Economics:
November 2011, Making decisions with the patient’s input in mind
June 2011, Bullies in hospitals?
AOL News:
March 2010, Reform’s great, but we need more doctors
February 2011, Docs need to get with the Internet program
October 2009, Help for today’s tense, frustrated doctors
New Hampshire Union Leader:
August 2007, Cut Medicare payments for doctors, you’ll have fewer doctors
Nashua Telegraph:
May 2008, What we have in health care today is a failure to communicate
April 2012, NH patients deserve ‘early offer’ in malpractice