I’d like to thank various media outlets for recently citing KevinMD.com.
US News and World Report, How to Find the Right Doctor: “‘You can tell how transparent a doctor is based on how friendly his site is,’ says internist Kevin Pho of Nashua, N.H., a popular medical blogger. ‘What kind of communicator does he appear to be? Does it seem like he’s available via E-mail?'”
Health Data Management, Top Social Media Voices for the HIT Industry: “Kevin Pho provides first-hand accounts of his use of health I.T. and weighs in on broader technology/health care issues.”
InformationWeek Healthcare, Doctor-Patient Conversation Not Just For The Office. “The empowered patient insists on being an active participant in his or her healthcare, Kevin Pho, MD, an advocate for the use of social media in medical practice, recently told Inspire, a patient-oriented healthcare website. ‘Some doctors … fear empowered patients and think that it’s infringing on the traditional doctor-patient relationship,’ says Pho, a primary care practitioner in Nashua, N.H. ‘But I think the trend is toward more shared decision-making and having patients being partners in their healthcare.'”
Ragan’s Health Care Communication News, 5 docs changing the social media landscape.