It’s easy to get distracted by the demands of the journey in medicine. Today physicians now see patients in person and virtually. Technology allows docs to bring work home and complete documentation remotely, which can blur the lines between work and home life.
It’s completely natural that physicians experience more stress and less success, as the demands seem never-ending.
Success is right where you are in this very moment. But success becomes invisible when you focus on day-to-day activities.
Rounding on patients, checking labs, doing procedures, ordering tests, and updating patients and their families are the moving parts that produce the best patient outcomes.
When physicians focus primarily on these moving parts, we get disconnected from our greater purpose and fall prey to perfecting those moving parts’ frustrations.
This is the way most physicians go through their day.
When physicians allow themselves to reconnect to their core values and the positive impact on patients’ lives, then success becomes apparent.
As we finish the first quarter of the year, take time to reflect on your life and medical career and track your progress.
Take time away from your practice’s responsibilities to acknowledge and celebrate the small steps, mini-wins, and achievements that contribute to your success.
Three steps to track your success in medicine
1. Make a non-negotiable VIP appointment with yourself.
2. Set the stage for your VIP appointment by creating a relaxing atmosphere. Maybe it’s clearing your desk of all distractions, turning off your cell phone and pagers, sitting in a comfortable chair with your favorite music playing softly in the background, and lighting a candle. Create an environment that totally supports you.
3. In this calm, peaceful place, answer these questions:
- Where was I in my medical career and my life three months ago?
- Where am I today?
- What qualities and core values do I honor each day that contribute to my success?
- What am I now willing to release to live into my purpose and life calling?
- What am I willing to invite in on this journey in medicine?
When physicians commit to tracking their progress regularly, success abounds. They redefine their day-to-day experiences, so they live into more success with less stress.
Stephanie Wellington is a physician, certified professional coach, and founder of Nurturing MDs, dedicated to guiding physicians from stress and overwhelm to ease and flow in the demanding medical field. She empowers clinicians to infuse new energy into their careers and reconnect with their identities beyond the stethoscope. She can also be reached on Facebook and LinkedIn.
She is a speaker, author, and recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award. If stress and overwhelm are part of your practice, get started with the free guide: “15 Ways to Infuse New Energy.”
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