Neil Anand is an anesthesiologist.
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more embedded in health care, the ability to accurately evaluate AI models is critical. In medical applications, where early diagnosis and anomaly detection are often key, selecting the right performance AI metrics can determine the clinical success or failure of AI tools. If a health care AI tool claims to predict disease risk or guide treatment options, it must be rigorously validated to ensure its …
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As artificial intelligence (AI) systems increasingly permeate our health care industry, it is imperative that physicians take a proactive role in evaluating these novel technologies. AI-driven tools are reshaping diagnostics, treatment planning, and risk assessment, but with this transformation comes the responsibility to ensure that these systems are valid, reliable, and ethically deployed. A clear understanding of key concepts like validity, reliability, and the limitations of AI performance metrics is …
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In 1948, Claude Shannon revolutionized the world of communication with his theory of information, showing that precision and efficiency could emerge from chaos. Roughly 40 years earlier, Max Planck had done something similar in physics by discovering the rules of quantum mechanics, reducing uncertainty in an unpredictable universe. These two minds, though working in entirely different fields, shared a common vision: to bring order out of entropy. Today, their legacies …
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Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have been advancing steadily in health care, and anesthesia is no exception. A critical development in this area is the rise of closed-loop AI systems, which automatically control specific medical variables using feedback mechanisms. The primary goal of these systems is to improve the stability of key physiological parameters, minimize the repetitive workload on anesthesia practitioners, and, most importantly, enhance patient outcomes. For instance, closed-loop …
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The true definition of criminal behavior has always been problematic. Are we criminals because we break the law or because we have been convicted? Famous and revered people throughout history have clearly broken the law but are almost never defined as criminals. All the founding fathers of the United States self-admittedly committed treason against the crown, a capital offense. In contrast, others, like Stalin and Hitler, had every legal right …
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As health care predictive algorithms, including the Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP), expand their reach beyond traditional enforcement of health care regulations, the concept of a social credit score has emerged as a powerful but controversial tool. Like predictive policing, social credit scores use an individual’s behaviors, online activity, and social interactions to assess their perceived trustworthiness and risk to society and are used as fodder for the prosecution of …
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When it comes to science and medicine, knowing where you are and where you want to go is only part of the problem. That’s because no matter how strictly you try to control your system, chaos theory dictates that there will be perturbations which, if not corrected for, will lead you far astray. Trying to stay on course in a dynamic environment has been a problem since humanity began traveling …
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