A recent discussion with a partner led us to list our academic goals for 2024.
It’s a process many of us go through each year. What did we accomplish throughout the year? Could we have done better? Is there more to do? How could we improve? What’s on tap for the upcoming year?
It’s an annual ritual, I know.
We reviewed his overall plan and went through how he could accomplish his professional …
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Do patients truly understand?
The question is not meant to be rhetorical. I have many conversations throughout the day with patients across all socioeconomic backgrounds and with varying levels of education.
The discussions include details surrounding their disease-specific particulars, treatment options, and surgical protocols. Patients digest my thoughts and then respond with specific questions of their own. They ask for instructions as well as the nuances of the healing process.
I confess that …
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I recently sat down with a well-known physician within the orthopedic community as well as among the medical socialites of social media. When I walked into his office, the first words out of his mouth were about my attire. As I was concerned about first impressions, I broke out the fancy suit, custom tailored, of course, a matching shoe and belt …
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In the academic world, there is an unspoken rule under which faculty, residents, and fellows collectively live and work. Educational programs are to be separate from industry and its financial stronghold.
I understand the rule and its application in certain scenarios and clinical departments. But I would like to challenge it within my specialty of orthopedic surgery.
As I finish up residency and look ahead to fellowship, I am constantly thinking about …
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Congratulations, student doctor, you studied hard and scored well on your exams — not only on your MCAT but in your organic chemistry classes as well. You mastered anatomy as well as pharmacology, neurology and more “ologies” than you care to remember. Now it is time to get hands-on learning experience, without being able to hide in the library while preparing for your clerkship shelf exams or showcasing your talents …
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Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare but life-threatening soft tissue infection. Its presentation is characterized by rapidly spreading inflammation and resultant death both of the surrounding soft tissue and fascial planes. Prompt recognition and aggressive treatment is paramount in order to avoid fatality. Often times, symptoms may overlap in their presentations so one must maintain a high index of suspicion and a multidisciplinary approach facilitated appropriate imaging studies and resulted in a …
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Sex sells. US Weekly and People fly off the shelves with the latest reality star drama. Unfortunately, the same does not apply to the diseases running rampant in today’s society. Is there an answer? I would like to say yes, but the ultimate answer remains to be seen. After my four years of undergraduate work and four more years of medical school, I am confident that there are a myriad …
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