Last week, someone referred to me online in the most shocking terms: a liberal. As I read the phrase, I gripped the pearls around my neck and coughed down my scalding afternoon tea. How could this have happened to me?
With all its newsworthiness to the public, last week was still an ordinary one in the intellectual life of a doctor: Read journal articles, understand new guidelines, disseminate via recommendations. By …
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A beautiful woman, all mocha skin and glimmering eyeshadow, turned to me in Whole Foods and whispered: “I like your style.”
I was alternately baffled and proud: Take that, lifetime of scrubs! Mama’s still got it. Then I looked down at myself and saw I was wearing jeans with Paw Patrol stickers on them.
She pointed one perfectly manicured finger to her face: we were indoors, yet I saw her French red …
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How I long for the good old days of mom-shaming.
Back then, you could tsk-tsk over any number of maternal decisions: breastfeeding or bottle-feeding; having children out of wedlock or in wedlock with another woman; staying at home, or working full time.
Nowadays, all that remains is: How she plans to educate her children this Fall.
We vilify women planning pandemic e-learning, asking them, “What planet are you on,” “Don’t you have anything …
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There comes a day in every woman’s life when she must wonder: Where on earth have everyone’s manners gone?
This phase of life, I once believed, was the same phase when I would shout things like:
“You kids get off my lawn!”
“Oh, it’s just a touch of gout!”
And so on.
Is it my own grand-millennial style, wherein I scour vintage Etsy finds (and insist on living in a 100-year-old house), that awakens my …
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Was everyone in medical school as young, innocent, and wildly stupid as we were? The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine required superlatives: most, best, fastest … dumbest?
Before each test, my friend Frank and I would scroll through our mental Rolodexes of “What are our other options?” (As opposed to being stuck inside with Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple.) I preferred the morbid: Eating so many McDonald’s cheeseburgers, we gave …
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There are medical honors so rare you don’t even know they exist. When you’re trudging through the slog of PBK/AOA/other — ultimately meaningless — letters, these seem to be the definition of distinction. Just like every other lesson, a patient taught me what real prestige is.
Well, it wasn’t entirely that Oslerian, it was the patient’s nephew.*
Carl paged me on an ordinary day — a fellow physician, he once saved my …
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