Why aren’t we physicians kinder to ourselves? Why aren’t we kinder to our colleagues? Why aren’t we kinder to our patients? I tend to think the answer to all of the above questions is a disrespect many of us have for what we consider being human.
For some reason, many of us in health care associate our humanity only with what holds us back from being our best. In fact, there …
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We are going to need new types of physician leaders to get the change in health care clinicians want.
When I observe current physician leaders, I notice the bulk often fall into two distinct groups. On one side, there are the out-of-touch and on the other the overwhelmed. Both types have positive and negative attributes. In my opinion, the successful health care leader of the future will draw from what works …
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The recent celebration of Employee Well-being Month got me thinking a lot about how physicians are treated as employees with regard to well-being. There is a general consensus that the issue of physician well-being needs to be addressed at both the level of the individual physician and the level of the system in which physicians work.
Unfortunately, this insight has thus far failed to lead to significant improvement in the overall …
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