Post Author: Kimberly Grocher, LCSW, Divya K. Chhabra, MD, Yolanda Kirkham, MD, Naila Russell, DNP, Mary Pan Wierusz, MD, Susan Dix Lyons, Adham Sameer A. Bardeesi, MD, and Gillian S. Gould, PhD
Kimberly Grocher, Divya K. Chhabra, Yolanda Kirkham, Naila Russell, Mary Pan Wierusz, Susan Dix Lyons, Adham Sameer A. Bardeesi, and Gillian S. Gould are media and medicine fellows, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
Kimberly Grocher, Divya K. Chhabra, Yolanda Kirkham, Naila Russell, Mary Pan Wierusz, Susan Dix Lyons, Adham Sameer A. Bardeesi, and Gillian S. Gould are media and medicine fellows, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
When we think of the legacy of racism in the U.S., hospitals aren’t one of the first places we imagine – but they should be.
“It’s never going to change.” “Sometimes it’s too heavy to bear.” ‘”I’m so angry – I’m just tired of holding it all in.”
These statements reflect the pain of our patients of color. They may resonate with all of us in our country’s current climate, as the …
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