Sometimes what makes truly great catchphrases, mission statements, and movie titles so powerful is that they are true, always necessary, and sometimes sufficient. I was reminded of this a few months back when a patient called into our telephonic urgent care triage line worried about a drug overdose. I was in my office typing or talking away, as I am prone to do, when the registered nurse who took the …
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Ageism in health care abounds. Older adults are often overtreated or undertreated for various conditions. The presence of things like fatigue, chronic pain, arthritis, and even cognitive impairment are often accepted as “normal” parts of aging — by physicians and patients alike — despite the fact that many are preventable.
According to a recent opinion piece by NBC News, “We medicalize the natural process of …
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Everyone knows someone today who’s dealing with dementia. And as a geriatrician — that means a lot of questions come my way. Questions about parents who recently had cognitive testing, about the role of assisted living, about prevention — you name it. Dementia is out there in a way it never was before. People have questions, and they need answers.
Dementia is not a normal part of aging
This is where I …
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