Post Author: Mark McLaughlin, MD

Mark McLaughlin is a neurosurgeon and can be reached at his self-titled site, Mark Mclaughlin, MD. He is the founder of Princeton Brain and Spine Care where he practices surgery focusing on trigeminal neuralgia and cervical spine surgery, and is also a thought leader in performance enhancement and physician-hospital relations.
His interests extend beyond medicine and speaking engagements. Mark coaches youth wrestling, and he co-founded and funded Trenton Youth Wrestling, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing inner-city boys and girls with skills gained through wrestling and working with mentors.
Mark also has a special interest in educating and assisting in the training of United States Military Academy cadets. In his father’s honor, he endowed the Annual Albert C. Wedemeyer Strategic Leadership lecture series designed in collaboration with the Modern War Institute to foster the interests of America’s future military leadership.
He served as medical director for Princeton Brain and Spine from 2005 to 2015 before focusing on teaching, writing, and speaking. He is a member of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons and American Association of Neurological Surgeons. He resides in Princeton, New Jersey.
Mark speaks about the following topics:
- Burnout lessons learned from a twenty-year veteran
- The gift of our profession, the platform of life: Cognitive dominance and the modern physician
- Managing the technological revolution with hope, faith, and love
- The operating room of the future: Trigeminal neuralgia with a Russian twist
He is a member of Physician Speaking by KevinMD and is available for speaking opportunities. Please contact us for inquiries.

Mark McLaughlin is a neurosurgeon and can be reached at his self-titled site, Mark Mclaughlin, MD. He is the founder of Princeton Brain and Spine Care where he practices surgery focusing on trigeminal neuralgia and cervical spine surgery, and is also a thought leader in performance enhancement and physician-hospital relations.
His interests extend beyond medicine and speaking engagements. Mark coaches youth wrestling, and he co-founded and funded Trenton Youth Wrestling, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing inner-city boys and girls with skills gained through wrestling and working with mentors.
Mark also has a special interest in educating and assisting in the training of United States Military Academy cadets. In his father’s honor, he endowed the Annual Albert C. Wedemeyer Strategic Leadership lecture series designed in collaboration with the Modern War Institute to foster the interests of America’s future military leadership.
He served as medical director for Princeton Brain and Spine from 2005 to 2015 before focusing on teaching, writing, and speaking. He is a member of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons and American Association of Neurological Surgeons. He resides in Princeton, New Jersey.
Mark speaks about the following topics:
- Burnout lessons learned from a twenty-year veteran
- The gift of our profession, the platform of life: Cognitive dominance and the modern physician
- Managing the technological revolution with hope, faith, and love
- The operating room of the future: Trigeminal neuralgia with a Russian twist
He is a member of Physician Speaking by KevinMD and is available for speaking opportunities. Please contact us for inquiries.
The McLaughlin 360 Evaluation: preparation (part one)
Have you ever heard the expression, “The truth will set you free”? Well, it might. But before it sets you free, it’s probably going to piss you off.
If you are seriously interested in self-improvement, you have to ask hard questions. And then listen!
About a year ago, I embarked on a personal exercise to learn how to be a better leader and person. I began …
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The start of a new decade seems more meaningful than the beginning of other new years. I tend to think more long-range at these mileposts. For 2020, I’ve made three resolutions that I hope will have a positive impact on my life for years to come:
1. Ramp up reading
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The incidence of brain trauma has been rising in recent years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), emergency department visits related to traumatic brain injury (TBI) increased by 53 percent in the U.S. from 2006 to 2014. For 2014 alone, the CDC reported about 2.87 million TBI-related visits, hospitalizations, and deaths. Reports of concussions in high school athletes have also increased in recent …
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“It is not for me to judge another man’s life. I must judge, I must choose,
I must spurn, purely for myself. For myself, alone.”
-Hermann Hesse, “Siddhartha”
What does it mean to die with dignity? As a neurosurgeon who faces life and death decisions routinely, I ponder this question often. When a terminally ill person decides to choose death over suffering, we perhaps recognize the ensuing act as a dignified death. But …
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