Kim Downey is a physician advocate and physical therapist.
Although it could be said that I’ve been very “unlucky” over the past couple of years due to surgeries and treatments for three separate cancers, I feel blessed by how “lucky” I have been to have had a combination of outstanding doctors.
Dealing with ongoing medical issues, as a health care professional, I fully appreciate the challenges facing patients and physicians alike in the current health care climate.
Thank you, doctors, for …
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Upon reading numerous articles referencing physician coaching, most have been written by physicians who were transformed by coaching and then became coaches themselves. (Thank you. Your work is so needed in this area!) At least once or twice, I’ve seen coaching referenced in a derogatory manner or deemed unnecessary. In those instances, the premise was that “the system” is the problem and coaching is not the answer. In reality, this …
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“He had an intuitive gift as a physician in diagnosing and managing breast cancer. His expertise helped countless patients, and he was deeply appreciated by those he cared for. He felt an enormous sense of gratitude to be able to help his patients and be an integral part of their care.”
I didn’t want to have cancer again, and who would? It was December 29, 2021, just over a year since …
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