On the nights he is home for dinner, the boys sit next to him (if it’s an even day of the month), and on odd days, it’s the girls’ turn.
I sit far away.
Because I had over 15 years with him before we had these children.
And my heart is so happy he gets to be a dad.
I’ve loved him since I was 16.
And Lord-willing, I’ll love him for much longer.
I’ll wait.
We’ve …
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John and I met as young children and were high-school sweethearts. We married and put him through college and had four children during the process. He joined the Air Force to pay for medical school, and we spent four years overseas to help pay off the costs of his education.
We recently counted how many years of his life were spent being educated. If you go back to the beginning and …
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As my husband’s pick-up truck rolls up the driveway, a long ER shift behind him, my four kids come running from wherever they are currently playing on our farm. My seven-year-old son was reading in a rocker on the front porch. His six-year-old brother was watching the new baby chicks scramble around our brooder. My four-year-old daughter was helping feed our ducks. And my two year old was getting into …
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I thank God every day that a doctor had the audacity to say to me, “You are going to have to learn to live with this.”
I was 21. Newly married. And covered, from head to toe, in a burning, painful, itchy rash.
I was sitting on a table, decked in a gown, with my husband in a chair by my side. I was …
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