KevinMD posts of the week, ending February 20, 2011

Here are the top posts from this past week, based on the number of times they were viewed.

1. Why a patient waited 80 hours in the ER for placement. The psychiatrists wouldn’t take him since they “wouldn’t feel comfortable” with his orthopedic injuries. And so he remained the in the ER.

2. The hysterical patient during a busy ER shift. You go back in that room with a different view on the patient and start to explain what is going on, try to reassure them, ask them what you can do for them.

3. How to become a licensed, board certified doctor. So what, exactly, does a doctor have to do to practice the kind of medicine it says out on the shingle in front of the office?

4. Why your doctor’s education is unique. What makes your doctor’s education unique from that of other health care providers?

5. Why Watson makes board certification exams obsolete in medicine. Watson will ensure that decision aids and vast medical knowledge will be readily available at doctors’ fingertips. Board certification entities need to recognize this reality and update the way they test physicians.
