Your doctor has more control over your life than anyone — other than you.
Your doctor may be the first face you see as you’re born and the last one you see as you die. Doctors look deep inside you, in places nobody has been before. Doctors prescribe drugs that can kill you or save your life.
But how do you know if your doc is paying attention, really listening to your concerns, and taking the time to properly assess your condition?
You don’t. Unless you ask a question patients rarely ask: “Doc, are you being abused?”
Doctors are commonly bullied and abused by their employers. Don’t believe me? Watch this:
So why should you care?
Abused doctors may be extremely frustrated, depressed — even suicidal.
Doctors like this who are thorough and who really, really care about their patients may leave their practices and patients or retire early just to escape the abuse.
The current health care system favors doctors who are willing to be abused and to abuse their patients by pushing them through in 5 to 10 minute appointments. The current health care system favors doctors who are willing to quickly throw pills at you and get you out the door. The current health care system favors doctors who are willing to ignore your serious symptoms and concerns or delay your treatment of potentially life-threatening conditions.
Abused doctors are being forced to abuse their patients. Is this the kind of health care you believe in?
There’s only one way to know if your doctor is being abused. Ask.
The life you save may save you.
Pamela Wible pioneered the community-designed ideal medical clinic and blogs at Ideal Medical Care. She is the author of Pet Goats and Pap Smears. Watch her TEDx talk, How to Get Naked with Your Doctor.