EpiPens have gotten crazy expensive, yes: $600 for a two-pack. Here are some alternatives that might help you save a few bucks.
1. Wait a few weeks, and see what Mylan does. Mylan, the company that makes the “EpiPen” brand of epinephrine auto-injector, has been under a lot of pressure lately to back off their unseemly price gouging. They’ve introduced a savings card that claims to lower your out-of-pocket expense to no more than $300 dollars, and say they’ve expanded eligibility for their patient assistance program for their less-wealthy-yet-still-allergic patients. Recently, they announced a new generic version of their own EpiPen, claiming it will be identical to the genuine EpiPen, but at half the price. Weird, yes, selling two things that are identical (other than the price), but I suppose stranger things have happened. Give Mylan a few more weeks, and they’ll probably start giving away EpiPens in cereal boxes.
2: Find out if you really need to have an EpiPen available for your child. EpiPens, until recently, weren’t prescribed for many children. A robust marketing program from Mylan (including appearances by Sarah Jessica Parker on daytime talk shows) along with an expanded FDA indication for people at any risk for allergic reactions turned a niche product into a billion-dollar moneymaker — and that was before they raised the prices through the roof. A reasonable question: are all of those EpiPens really necessary? Certainly, those who’ve had a life-threatening allergic reaction to a food or bee sting in the past need one available. And high-risk patients (for example, those allergic to peanuts who also have a history of asthma) clearly need them, too. But what about people allergic to other foods, who’ve had multiple reactions in the past, but never anaphylaxis? What about the many people who’ve tested positive for allergic sensitization, but have never actually had any reaction at all? Doctors are loathe to withdraw an EpiPen recommendation (better safe than sorry!), but there are times when all of this money could be better spent in another way. If you’re not sure if or why your child needs an EpiPen prescription, ask your doctor to review this with you before you refill it.
3. Hold on to expired EpiPens, at least for a little while. EpiPens keep at least some potency beyond their expiration dates, especially if they’ve been stored in a cool place. Don’t discard your old EpiPens until you’ve purchased new ones — it’s better to use an expired EpiPen than to have no epinephrine available when needed.
4. Consider the other brand, Adrenaclick. EpiPens have pretty much flooded and dominated the market, but there is another epinephrine auto-injector out there, the Adenaclick. Instructions for using it are a little different, so if you get one make sure you’re familiar with it. A two-pack lists for $140 less than EpiPen, and you can get that price even lower by using a coupon from GoodRx.com. Even better: there is a generic Adrenaclick out there, and it’s even cheaper if you can find it (supplies, I’m told, are limited.) To get an Adrenaclick or the generic version, you need a specific prescription from your doctor listing this by name. In most states, pharmacists cannot substitute Adrenaclick for an EpiPen. You’ll want to check your insurance formulary, too — the list prices may not matter as much as what “tier” these products fall under for your plan.
Roy Benaroch is a pediatrician who blogs at the Pediatric Insider. He is also the author of A Guide to Getting the Best Health Care for Your Child and the creator of The Great Courses’ Medical School for Everyone: Grand Rounds Cases.
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